Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ten years ago already???
I wonder if kids are like puppies are grow into their 'paws'???
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Learning Technology
You have to check out her blog it is so awe inspiring about her Miracle baby!
Click on Mckmama to go and read her website.
If this link thing works I am going to be totally amazed and quite proud of myself. (of course I owe it all the mckmama who 1) inspired me to try it and 2) gave me directions on how to do it.
It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Am I a terrible mother?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
When is enough enough???
I am addicted!
- In my purse
- In the car
- At work
- On my downstairs desk
- In the kitchen
- In the living room drawer
- On my upstairs desk
Thursday, September 11, 2008
In the Minority
Today is 9/11. I know this was a big deal, but after watching some people on the news over the years I have to say this...
Yes, its horrible you lost your parents, friend, son etc.....
But guess what - I have no parents either. My mom died when I was 3 and my dad when I was 21. Their death is no less important than anybody elses. I am alone in this world because of it. 9/11/2001 was seven years ago. Life needs to move on and you need to accept you have lost a loved one. SOME people believe they are owed because of their loss. SOME people still can't function. Everybody loses somebody in their life and you just have to find a way to deal with it.
Its hard to not have parents and my son has never had a grandparent. Our loss is just as hurtful to us and theirs is.
NOT to make light of it at all, but people need to realize that there are a whole lot of people in the world who are missing people.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Then and Now - The End of an Era.....(Part 1)
Check out the life of the truck here:
2001 2003
Even here in 2007 when he was 8.5 he still played with the truck.
His reply this year was MOM.... I am almost a man now. I am no longer afraid of the ocean. Why would I want to play with the dump truck when I can do this......
Brad started off Boogie boarding and then somehow talked us into buying him a skim board too. Spoiled kid.....
His first day of skimboarding... He was a little frustrated in learning how to get it move...
So.... This is then and now of the Wildwood trip....
Wildwood Summer of 1999
Wildwood Summer of 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Mom- I have conquered my fear!!!!
The ocean water is absolutely FREEZING this year even though its end of July. Does that stop Brad? NOPE! I had to drag him out of the ocean after FIVE hours of him boogie boarding.
Mr. Mold
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - it is covered in MOLD. UCK! It was on the front porch since our last trip to Wildwood in June. Apparently the rain reached the chair and turned it into Mr. Mold.
Guess what John said --- Oh its not bad sit on it anyway. HOW NICE OF HIM HUH?????
So for this week the chair has been nicknamed Mr. Mold. I cover him with a towel when I carry him down to the beach.
Next year I will have a new one!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mom, I think I need to shave!!
Brad went into the bathroom this morning to ( supposedly) wash his face and brush his teeth.
He all of a sudden yells excitedly "Mommy,.. Mommy - and comes running out of the bathroom.
He said I think I need to shave soon. I feel a whisker growing!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I so don't want him to grow this fast.
Melt my heart
I had just spent a weekend where Brad was being extraordinarlily annoying. PURPOSELY trying to drive me crazy and it was working. Oh and yes it was on purpose because when John tried to stick up for him and said Oh Cher I don't think he is doing it on purpose - Brad piped up and said Oh Dad , but I am !! STINKER!
Anyway .... that night when I went outside to water the flowers Brad went into the kitchen. John asked him what he was doing and he said I am counting my money. John said for what?? He said because I want to see if I have enough to buy Mom the Blackberry phone she has been wanting.
AWWWWWW..... just when you want to strangle them they do something like that!!
I love that kid!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Always a ringbearer never a groom!
We just got back from Florida where my niece, Ashley got married on 7/12/08. Brad was the ringbearer. He is quite the pro at it since this was his fourth performance. He was quite pleased with himself because he got to carry the actual rings again. Lindsay let him do that in her wedding and he thought that was so cool. I think it is safe to bet that this is his last ring bearers performance. He is getting too grown up for that job. Here are his ringbearer jobs in order:
Cousin Courtney's wedding. 7/3/04. Brad was 5.5 years old.
And finally his latest performance was Cousin Ashleys wedding 7/12/08. Brad is 9.5 years old.
I bet his next tuxedo will be when he goes to his high school Prom. YIKES!!!!
Meet the family!
- I have one husband ( thank god- can any woman imagine having more than one?!?!?!)
- one son
- one dog
This is Bradley! I picked this picture cause he is a total character as you will get to know through my posts. He is 9.5 years old and loves to be goofy!
One more member of the family to meet. FRED!!! How can we forget good old Fred. Somehow we ended up with another dog and here is is......

This is Winter Fred................This is Summer Fred.
Fred is quite a character. His favorite pasttime is garbage picking and sock stealing.